Armstrong Creek Waterways

Armstrong Creek, Victoria




Newland Developers


Armstrong Creek, Victoria


2008 – Current


Landscape Masterplanning
Sketch Design
Contract Documentation
Contract Administration

Traditional Owner Country

Wadawurrung Country


Tom Blachford

The rehabilitation and re-construction of the 3.0km of the degraded Armstrong Creek corridor at ’Warralily’ Armstrong Creek, is an exemplar of integrated stormwater management in Greenfield development. The project represents a significant economic, social and environmental contribution to the local environment and community that cannot be understated.

Armstrong Creek is an ephemeral waterway system that traverses the Warralily site from its western to eastern boundaries. Prior to European settlement it was widely utilised by the Wadawurrung people as a place to live, providing a rich source of food, meeting and gathering spaces and provided a significant means of travelling throughout the region. Since European development, the creek and surrounding areas have been significantly degraded by farming practices leaving a large portion of the waterway devoid of vegetation both in stream and on the adjoining banks or flats. The creek was effectively reduced to a table drain around the boundaries of the farming properties with little to no biodiversity values.

The rejuvenation of over 3.0km of Armstrong Creek and its immediate environs represents a significant waterway, biodiversity, public amenity, habitat creation and improvement project. The portion of Armstrong Creek that runs through the Eastern Precinct waterway and open space corridor varies from 70 – 150 metres in width and fulfils a number of key water quality, flood management, public amenity and key environmental systems objectives. The constructed waterway system combines online wetlands, sedimentation ponds, bio-retention systems open water pools, rocky riffles and ephemeral creek channels designed to capture, treat and retard stormwater from the surrounding urban catchment.